Do roku 2016 raport oznaczony numerem 1 był tworzony za okres od 1 kwietnia do 31 maja. Od roku 2017 analizy są wykonywane o dekadę wcześniej czyli 1 raport oznacza okres od 21 marca do 20 maja
Communication report regarding the incidences of drought conditions in Poland
Year: 2011; period: 11 (11.VII - 10.IX)
In the eleventh reporting period, i.e. from 11 July to 10 September 2011, we can find no threat of agricultural drought conditions in Poland.
In the eleventh reporting period for the area of Poland, average climatic water balance (CWB) compared to the previous period decreased by 35 mm. However, the values of CWB in Poland are still much higher than the critical value. In northern Poland, the CWB values are positive, while in the south-west and in the Lublin region they are negative.
In the current sixty-day period, demand for water continues to be much smaller for all crops in comparison to previous periods.
The air temperature in July was varied. The coldest was in the west and south-western part of the country (16-17.5°C), while the warmest was in the eastern part of Poland (18-19°C).
In August, it was the warmest was in central and southern Poland (18.5-19.5°C). The coldest was in the northern part of the country, from 17.5 to 18.5°C.
The first ten days of September were the warmest in south-west from 15.5°C to 17oC, whereas in the north east was cooler than 14°C to 15.5°C.
Precipitation in July was very abundant over a large area of the country. The greatest rainfall occurred in the east and in the narrow strip on the western edge of Poland, from 160 to 300 mm (i.e. 350-400% of normal long), slightly less rainfall, from 100 to 160 mm occurred in the rest of the country.
In August, the highest rainfall occurred in the north, the Coastland Koszalin, Zachodniopomorskie Lakeland, Południowopomorskim and Mazury from 70 to 110 mm. The lowest rainfall occurred in south-east and east from 30 to 60 mm.
In the first ten days of September precipitation in Poland were very different from very low in the south-eastern and eastern parts of the country (from 2 to 10 mm) and relatively high in the north-west, where it exceeded 65 mm.
Meteorological conditions in the first ten days of September have continued to improve, especially in the south-eastern Polish territories. The air temperature in this part of the country was relatively high and rainfall was low which allowed for the completion of the delayed harvesting of cereals. A much worse situation still occurs in the northern part of the country due to high precipitation, which continues to hinder the harvest in these areas.
- Report 13 (1.VIII - 30.IX)
- Report 12 (21.VII - 20.IX)
- Report 11 (11.VII - 10.IX)
- Report 10 (1.VII - 31.VIII)
- Report 09 (21.VI - 20.VIII)
- Report 08 (11.VI - 10.VIII)
- Report 07 (1.VI - 31.VII)
- Report 06 (21.V - 20.VII)
- Report 05 (11.V - 10.VII) +
- Report 04 (1.V - 30.VI) +
- Report 03 (21.IV - 20.VI) +
- Report 02 (11.IV - 10.VI) +
- Report 01 (1.IV - 31.V) +