Do roku 2016 raport oznaczony numerem 1 był tworzony za okres od 1 kwietnia do 31 maja. Od roku 2017 analizy są wykonywane o dekadę wcześniej czyli 1 raport oznacza okres od 21 marca do 20 maja
Communication report regarding the incidences of drought conditions in Poland
Year: 2009; period: 08 (11.VI - 10.VIII)
In the eighth reporting period, i.e. from 11 June to 10 August 2009, drought conditions have not occurred in Poland for the following crops: winter cereals, spring cereals, maize for grain, corn for silage, potatoes, sugar beet, hops , tobacco, vegetables, soil, trees and fruit bushes, strawberries and leguminous crops.
In the first ten days of August in Poland, the distribution of precipitation was varied. The highest rainfall occurred in south-west part of the country (30-55 mm), and lowest in the south-east of Poland (0-14 mm).
Climatic water balance values (CWB), on the basis of which the risk assessment of drought is calculated, compared to the previous report, has been reduced. However, the values are still much higher than the critical value for each plant. The lowest CWB values occur in northern and central parts of the country. In the southern voivodeship, the majority of the CWB values are positive.
- Report 13 (1.VIII - 30.IX)
- Report 12 (21.VII - 20.IX)
- Report 11 (11.VII - 10.IX) +
- Report 10 (1.VII - 31.VIII) +
- Report 09 (21.VI - 20.VIII)
- Report 08 (11.VI - 10.VIII)
- Report 07 (1.VI - 31.VII)
- Report 06 (21.V - 20.VII)
- Report 05 (11.V - 10.VII)
- Report 04 (1.V - 30.VI)
- Report 03 (21.IV - 20.VI)
- Report 02 (11.IV - 10.VI) +
- Report 01 (1.IV - 31.V) +