Do roku 2016 raport oznaczony numerem 1 był tworzony za okres od 1 kwietnia do 31 maja. Od roku 2017 analizy są wykonywane o dekadę wcześniej czyli 1 raport oznacza okres od 21 marca do 20 maja
Communication report regarding the incidences of drought conditions in Poland
Year: 2009; period: 01 (1.IV - 31.V)
In the first reporting period i.e. within 1 April to 31 May 2009, drought conditions occurred for winter and spring cereals, strawberries, fruit trees and shrubs grown on very light soils
The threat of agricultural drought for fruit bushes and trees in the area occurred voivodeships: Lodzkie, Wielkopolskie (part of the south-east), Mazowieckie (west), Świętokrzyskie, Śląskie, Opolskie (northern part), Lubelskie (west), Zachodniopomorskie (a small area of the lower Odra), Pomorskie (south), Warmińsko-Mazurskie, Podlaskie (eastern part), Dolnośląskie (ends of the eastern part), Podkarpackie (ends in the northern part). Such a large area affected by the drought (11.6% Polish soil) is determined by the relatively high sensitivity of fruit bushes and trees on the deficit of water, soils and especially in the category.
The threat of drought for: winter and spring cereals, strawberries occurred in the central of Poland: Lodzkie, Wielkopolskie (part of the south-east), Świętokrzyskie (part of the north-west), and Śląskie (northern part).
The drought occurrence on agricultural areas in the central part of Poland for the above mentioned crops was primarily due to very adverse weather conditions in April. The precipitation in April ranged from 0 to 5% of the long-term average in this part of Poland with significantly higher temperature from 3 to 4.5 ° C than the long-term average. Drought occurred in 201 local districts (6.6%), and encompassed 2.2% of the country's soil.
In May, especially at the end of this month, across the country there has been relatively high precipitation, which significantly exceeded the long-term mean, lessening the effects of unfavourable weather conditions that had occurred in April.
According to the crop yield prognosis for 31 May 2009, carried out by the Department of Agrometeorology and Applied Informatics IUNG-PIB Puławy, rye yields should be within the standard. A worse situation was forecasted for spring cereals and rape, is expected to decline from 3 to 8% of yield at a national level compared to the long-term average.
There are wide variations in yields of spring cereals in different parts of the country, from a good situation in the north to a far worse in the south of the country. The forecast for rape shows the largest fall in yields in the southern and south-west of Poland, while in the north of country, yields should be higher than the average by up to 10%. The forecast for winter wheat indicates a decline in yields of 11% at a national level regarding the long-term averages. The weather conditions during this period did not cause losses in the yield of sugar beet. The forecast for this crop is very favourable indicating an increase in beet yield by 14% regarding the long-term average.
- Report 13 (1.VIII - 30.IX)
- Report 12 (21.VII - 20.IX)
- Report 11 (11.VII - 10.IX) +
- Report 10 (1.VII - 31.VIII) +
- Report 09 (21.VI - 20.VIII)
- Report 08 (11.VI - 10.VIII)
- Report 07 (1.VI - 31.VII)
- Report 06 (21.V - 20.VII)
- Report 05 (11.V - 10.VII)
- Report 04 (1.V - 30.VI)
- Report 03 (21.IV - 20.VI)
- Report 02 (11.IV - 10.VI) +
- Report 01 (1.IV - 31.V) +